Home Reviews
The positive reception of the Go Brick Me! set released in 2018 looks to be the obvious inspiration for the release of these customizable Wedding Brickheadz which would look perfect at a wedding reception/lunch/dinner. This will be a review...
Review of 40375 Sports Accessories and 40376 Botanical Accessories
These two polybags will be released in 2020 and are priced at £3.99/$3.99/3.99€ . The polybags uses the same grey colour scheme background as the others in the XTRA line.
40375 -...
The Lucky Cat, known as the Maneki Neko in Japanese culture or Welcoming Fortune Cat in Chinese culture has been given the Brickheadz treatment. The Maneki Neko is a statue of a cat that you probably see at the...
“I love you 3000”
This set should’ve been released when Tony Stark blew out all his suits for the House Party Protocol in the events of Iron Man 3 but LEGO seems to have finally released this as a tribute...
This will be a pictorial review of one of the Gift with Purchase sets for September 2019, the 40336 LEGO Newbury Juice Bar.
This set is parts of the new for 2019 theme - Hidden Side and features 2 minifigures...
This is a LEGO Review of the 76128 Molten Man Battle - Spider-Man: Far From Home
“Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty?...