Lego set announcement
Home Lego set announcement
LEGO has released official images of the sets that will accompany the latest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
76079 Ravager Attack
76080 Ayesha's Revenge
76081 The Milano vs. The Abilisk
Pictures of 6 LEGO Speed Champions sets were revealed by LEGO recently and here they are. Some gems here for sure and we'll be picking up a few for our own collection. As usual, we noticed stickers all around...
The latest modular in the series has been announced for 2017. Assembly Square is made to commemerate the 10th anniversary of the Modular Building series and combines many of the features from the 9 previous modulars. Images are...
The latest Lego Ideas set to be produced and sold is The Yellow Submarine. Based off the Ideas submission from kevinszeto, this set takes its pages of the Yellow Submarine animation movie from 1968 with most of the motley...