2019 LEGO Friends – Water Rescue – Summer 2019 –  Mister Bricks, a Dutch toy store has listed upcoming LEGO FRIENDS sets that will be released in summer 2019. There is a definite pastel-centric colour scheme that is shared across these three sets with the newly reintroduced colours, Vibrant Colour and Teal being used to great effect. Collectors of LEGO animals would also be please with a baby dolphin, baby whale, and several mini sealife creatures in Vibrant coral including a pretty cute baby octopus. A teal coloured coral piece will probably used to great effect by original creators in their mocs later. We are pretty impressed by this lineup.

41381 Lifeboat |

41380 Lighthouse Rescue Centre |

41378 Dolphin Rescue |

41376 Turtles Rescue |


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