60204 LEGO City Hospital

Images of an upcoming Hospital set has been floating around the internet for a while now but we refrained from sharing it as we were not sure on the legitimacy of them. Today, more pictures with higher resolution were released and so we bring this to you.

A hospital set has been one of the more requested buildings in the City theme. The healthcare sector has been sorely under-represented compared to law enforcement. We do understand that the roleplay of good vs. evil is probably very engaging to the classic target market. We are however, encouraged that LEGO has included one of the most fundamental human rights as part of their City theme.

This City set release comes exactly a year after the release of a Friends themed Heartlake Hospital. They both has very similar concepts such as a main Hospital building with big windows to cheer up the patients, a rescue helicopter, an ambulance, a person with in injured arm in wheelchair, a baby in a pram, an operating room, an x-ray room, a reception area and a bakery/deli. The City set definitely has visibly much more figures to role play with and is build with a sort of modular style with each room easily separated from the rest of the build.

The size of the hospital might not be as big as we hoped for in such an anticipated release but LEGO probably wanted to stick with a pre-set price point but we are pretty sure more than a few people in the AFOL world will buy multiple sets of this set to supersize it.

Heartlake Hospital set released in 2017

60204 Hospital Lego City

60204 Hospital Lego City

60204 Hospital Lego City


60204 Hospital Lego City

60204 Hospital Lego City


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