Thanks to The LEGO Group for sending us 1 more NINJAGO Legacy set for review. This time, we received a 4+ set, 71740 Jay’s Electro Mech for the younger ones.

If you can recall, more than 5 years ago, 70754 (ElectroMech) was released during the Tournament of Elements series. This is the juniorised version of that set.

The front box has the big 4+ label and the header is also NINJAGO Legacy so it is very clear that it is not part of The Island sets.

There are 2 minifigures here, namely Jay and Eyezor as seen in the front and top side of the box.

At the back, it shows what the kids can do with the completely built set. They are quite basic, which is intentional to carve an easier path for younger builders.

Inside the box there are simply 2 plastic bags and an instruction booklet.

Completing the first bag gives you the star of the set, which is Jay’s Electro Mech.

Completing the second bag gives this small vehicle contraption that Eyezor can use to shoot down the mech or anything standing.

The included projectile launcher (element id 6296378) has been used in other 4+ sets, including another 4+ NINJAGO Legacy set that was released recently, 71703 (Storm Fighter Battle). It is also used in 51515.

The other interesting part here is the blue mech cockpit that has been used in other sets as well, most notably in 75237 (TIE Fighter Attack) where it appears in light bluish grey, and most recently in 60263 (Ocean Mini-Submarine) but in yellow. This set introduces this part in blue colour for the first time.

The dark blue part that looks like a shoulder pad appeared in other NINJAGO sets also, but this is also the first time it is appearing in that colour.

While the articulation of this mech is not going to win any awards, with clever posing, you can make a walking or strutting pose. It is just sad that the proportion of this mech looks awful. The stubby short hands do not look appealing at all. Perhaps the young ones won’t mind but I am an adult sharing an opinion on a toy meant for 4-year old kids.

Of course, this review is not complete without the minifigures.

As the set is based off the 4th season of the TV show (Tournament of Elements), Jay wears the legacy equivalent of the Tournament robes. In other sets, he appeared with half the mask but this time around, he is equipped with full headgear.

Eyezor is the same version that came in previous Legacy sets before this.

Almost forgot to mention. There is 1 small build that appears to be a small altar with a sai weapon in the middle, and there is also a round tile with gold dragon on red background used as an ornament in 2 other 4+ NINJAGO sets released previously. Then, there is also a random scorpion and a random spider on a rock to compliment the action between Jay and Eyezor.

Here is my verdict. The set itself is not bad. The best feature is having the shooter on 4 wheels and how easy it is to topple anything standing, including the mech. It gives you satisfaction to keep on shooting and toppling things. I just don’t like the proportion of the mech and how awkward it looks overall. There must be parents out there who would purchase this for their kids as their first LEGO mech and that is great. At £17.99 / $19.99 / 19.99€ price point, I just can’t see this being the first pick for most. I am giving it a score of 3 out of 5.

Comment below and share what you think about this set review. Take your time. This is Akira signing off.

The set used for the review was sent to us by The LEGO Group for the purpose of a review. Provision of sets do not in any way influence or guarantee a positive review.




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