Brickset user LegoFjotten and L@go has spotted several interesting LEGO stuff on display at LEGO World Copenhagen. It seems that LEGO might be toying 🙂 with the idea of releasing light kits for their D2C sets. Among the pictures taken are of the Downtown Diner, IDEAS Treehouse, Ford Mustang and Hogwarts Castle.
Each light kit has lights and expansion boards and labelled “plug and play” so it seems that it will be an easy setup for the purchaser. No other information have been released thus far. We are very interested to see where this leads. The LEGO User LAB has given slightly more information on it. It’s
LEGO USER LAB COMMENT on LIGHT KITSWe saw word has already spread across fan media that there’s a light kit on shelves at LEGO World. Wanted to let everyone know it’s just a test we’re doing in Lead User Lab. As you might remember, we believe lights are super interesting and we’ve been engaging within the adult fan community already. We know many adult fans love them, so we wanted to do more research and better understand the regular consumer appeal too. Got great consumer response and feedback so far. We’re hoping these insights will contribute to building a potential pilot in the futurethose products are a concept test, it’s not something that will go into the market in that current state. We wanted to test if regular consumers find it appealing and used it as a conversation starter to figure out if and how consumers see lights fit as part of the LEGO experience. We spoke about quality, price, building experience, etc. From that to having an actual product in the market there’s still a long path, so it doesn’t mean there’s going to be a product out “tomorrow”. Especially on the toy safety compliance there are things that need to be in place beforehand.
We’ve also been engaging with many lead users that do lights, for finding potential pilot candidates and we had dialogues with quite a lot of them. We continue to evaluate how to best engage in a potential pilot. I want to reassure everyone here that in Lead User Lab we have the very best intentions when it comes to collaborating. We’ll try to have a close dialogue with Rob and solve any potential misunderstandings.
In the meantime, we’ll continue to evaluate the light product concept testing at LEGO World and to understand how a light kit product could be brought to market in collaboration with a lead user, since that’s what Lead User Lab is all about, finding and trying to scale outside-in ideas.